年初我在國際書展買了這系列的繪本, 去年底已安排今年度的故事行程,所以已買了快十個月的繪本在
12月2日終於有機會可以說說這個系列之一的: Friends in the night
文.圖/張哲銘 (泛亞文化)
Warm-up : 剛好可以將我幾年前做的這首: Kid's song- Dear My Friend
用來跟大家分享 ( 請看之前記錄在童謠創意)
Story- Friends in the night
這是一本在敘述夜行性動物( Nocturnal Animals) - Owl - Who will not fall asleep in the night., So they want to go out to find their friends.
But the friends mostly are daytime animals so they will sleep in the night. The Owl can not find them , The woods is so quiet.
Can you find the friends for the Owl?
配合著故事情節: The Owl flew out, flew over, flew low down fley away., 我做了這支彈絲棒幫助我在說故事時能更生動操作這隻貓頭鷹
請小朋友選出 Daytime Animals and Nighttime Animals
及分別放入正確的 " 動物行性時段口袋"