前幾天說故事的觀眾是學前兒童班! 故事情節並非恐怖,怪獸故事呀! It's《This is the Bear》, The bear toy was put into the trash bin with carelessness by dog, The bear is expecting that can be found out.這本繪本是以簡易句型:This is ......為導向的簡易句子的英文繪本。及有命名的認知學習的簡易單字。有一點簡單情節。但是當我說到 little master is not find their bear just a little far away. the bear said "Help, Help, I am here....." But the little master is still not finding the bear . 此時我的眼前看到中間有個小女孩,眉間嘴角都皺到鼻子中間了!眼睛已快掉眼淚了!我好心疼!是要去抱抱她呢?還是停下故事要跟她對話呢?自己很訝異!趕緊讓下個情節出現小主人漸漸已靠近玩具熊!讓她安心點。還好表情有平淡些!當時我的心情很難過!也很懷疑,很不捨!可是我只是平舖直述的說故事!對這種繪本故事時間,孩子的情緒若是這樣,怎麼辦?