Words: By Julia Hoban
Pictures by : Lillian Hoban
(東西圖書-Easy - To- Read : Level 1 )-英文故事時間(2013-01-06)
這本繪本跟《 Leo the Late Bloomer》都是在描述每個小孩都有他不同的學習歷程,有些小孩學得很快,有些小孩他學習的進度不如一般的孩童時,也許在父母親心裡就會操心,相信我們都是一個盡責的家長,每個小孩都是我們心中的寶。
我們都是否對每個小孩都寄以各種不同的期望?但是每種小孩發展不同。有人會有很快的認知,體會。也有的小孩對某種事務特別有感覺,也許領悟力,學習的驅動點,觸發的時間早晚的問題而已。 所以先藉這本圖畫書跟家長分享小孩的成長時.
我們多一點耐心,我覺得陪著他,看著他, 多給他空間,時間。適時的引導。讓他們從自己的意向中努力的生活,快樂的學習,在成長的路上陪著他,他是否會是資優生,或一事無成,或大器晚成。不用放在心上,就是一起歡喜,快樂生活。
Warm-up: One little finger ( Because this story are speaking about a little chick, So this sone have the" little "
One little finger, one little finger, one little finger , Tap , Tap, Tap,
Point your finger up, Point your finger down.
Put it on your head ......./ Nose/ Chin/ Arm/ Leg/ Foot......
Story summary:
The farm yard Jenny Hen have three little chicks call : Cute Chick, Sweet Chick,
and Good Chick. And have the other an egg on her nest. Jenny Hen call this
littlest chick "Nice Chick" Jenny Hen taught all of their lessons. But the littlest chick
he is learning is slow., So the farm animals say that is "slow chick"
but Jenny Hen all said : Just you wait and see!
The littlest chick can be learning their lessons? Did he be done ?
Slow Chick, can be a Quick Chick............?
Activity: I ready some beads ( pretend the drops as corn) the spoon is the like the beak and
let the child to scratch the corn, They may be slower. They may be quickly so you
get it in slow or fast. All of them all can be winned the gifts- Toys.
That is just the learning of childhood. So parents we are just in patience.