
2013年12月16日 星期一

《Santa's Little Helper》- La La 英文故事時間(102-12-15)

《Santa's Little Helper》
  昨天的英文故事時間,上星期就開始準備這次很特別的Art & Craft 合併在我的Activity,這本繪本故事我很想傳遞聖誕節不是光收禮物喔而是這裡是即使一個小小的力量也能將愛分享出去!『故事...Snowball are was excited in the day before Christmas, So he hopped there and here, and play Hide-and-Seek with his b⋯⋯rother and sister. When he found a good place to hide , It was too cozy........He was asleep........Then it brings a Christmas dream ? Or The Christmas Dream was true? Let's read it and share the love to all over the world. 』
Finally., I ready this Santa Claus in advance, but the Santa's beard is not growin up. So We need the little helper to grow up the beard then the Santa can be setting off many presents to the children in all over the world 。所以昨天聽故事的小朋友都是聖誕老公公的小幫手,我先完成大部分的Santa Mask,And I ask these kids. Would you want to be my helper ? Every childran are likly to be a helper , 最後請小朋友將這些小紙條一一做成小紙圏再串起來幫忙完成聖誕老公公的長長的鬍子,讓聖誕老公公趕緊將禮物送出去將我們的愛也分享出去。我們降這個成果也送給我們圖書館,謝謝圖書館的寶媽及館員給我們這個英文說故事的園地,所以將它貼在我們故事列車的海報旁。這個手作對小小朋友是既簡單又有意義!我也將製作過程列如下圖希望也有人會喜歡。



