
2014年9月19日 星期五

《My Lucky Day》by Keiko Kasza.

《My Lucky Day》by Keiko Kasza. 說英文故事7-8年了, 今天首次懷疑故事道具有加分嗎? 今天小朋友有一半時間是到處跑? 雖然今天有很大部分時間都能讓小朋友一起操控道具和布偶,今天每個小朋友有學習到等待, 輪到自己操控偶時的認真與守秩序, 可是當傳遞給下一位後就又東跑西跑,要不然就是一直來玩道具,  回歸到繪本時, 好像很難回到靜靜的凝聽(我們故事老師都很相信好動的孩童耳朵還是開著.但今天有一 點懷疑?)
Story: My Lucky Day
Theme: Triumph of the underdog ( 反敗為勝)
【附記】:Keiko Kasaz 是日裔美國籍的作繪家, 她的圖畫書已有18本之多, 她的插畫我看過的這些繪本其《The Mightiest》, 《 A Mother for Choco》, 《Don't Laugh, Joe》主題都很明顯,畫風很大膽,文本跟插畫都富有趣味性.封面很能夠被吸引住.插畫占的面積總是多於文本,有時穿插漫畫窗格,簡單描述句,但是情節很豐富.(所以我會做一些道具來輔助文本裡用到的許多主要用字),今天的小朋友(age: 2-3) 你們雖然都無法靜下來坐著聽好有趣的故事,希望再多個半年大時,有機會再來聽這個故事.

故事一開始: One day , A hungry fox was preparing to hunt for his dinner.  As he polished his claws,
he was startled by a knock at the door.  .............
So that my today warm-up: starting from the Knock, Knock, ( Halloween songs) But I didn't said out trick or treat, 

So this  song is as the following:
Knock, Knock, Who are you.
I am Ghost, I am a little Ghost.
(Boo~  Boo~   孩子很樂一起玩得很開心)
Knock, Knock, Who are you.
I am Witch,  I am a little Witch.
( Heeeee~   變變變~大家最喜歡玩巫婆變變變大家有點子但是都是變成可愛鴨,可愛青蛙)
Knoce, Knock, Who are you.
I am Monster, I am a little Monster.)

Knock , Knock , Rabbit ~  Are you home ? 

Rabbit ?  If there were any reabbit in here, I had eaten them for my breakfast.
Fox: You are just my favorite Roasting Pig.  Fox grabbed the piglet into the pan
You see so funny pig in the roasting pan.

that is total story props
1) Piglet said  if you  can clean me,  because he is so filthy?
2) Piglet I am too small,  fatten me up !
3.) Piglet had hardly work lately,  Tender me !

You are Terrific Scrubber ( said the piglet)

You are Terrific Cook ( said the piglet)

You are a terrific massage. ( said the piglet)
Do you know?  The finally, piglet was a Clear, Fatten, Tender Roasting Pig ?
Or .....
Today, Who is the Lucky Day ?

