
2014年8月18日 星期一

《A Very Busy Spider》By Eric Carle

這本耳熟能詳的 經典繪本是Eric Carle 爺爺撕貼畫中我覺得撕貼彩色紙來源採用得比較有變化性, 針對動物不同部位加以選擇, 所以在配色覺得動物們好真實,色彩也很吸睛。還是一樣的在每頁上的圖像都很單一,但色彩卻滿足讀者看繪本書的期待- 構圖簡單,但色彩豐富,句子雖短,但充滿想像力的文字,  跟他其他撕貼畫的動物性繪本一樣,每當配合重複句型的角色大約至少都有十個, 我準備了我今天的新莊德明公托的故事活動:
Finger Puppet: Fly (Mosquito~ ) This fly was always beside the animals who was inviting the spider : Want to ~    But the spider didn't answer, She was very busy spinning her web liking this following.

Do you see my new finger puppet ?  It's a ring craft ,  is it so fun?  我先帶在手指上飛出去跟小朋友打招呼, HNnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn~  I am so hungry~ 小朋友好聰明, 不給Fly 叮住, 繞了一圈, I am still so hungry~~~ .

噯呀! 今天這支Fly 不是主角啦! 是我! I am spider~

Neigh~  Neigh~  Want to go for a ride?

Moo~  Moo~~  (who said? )  Want to eat some grass?

Baa ~  Baa~  (who bleated?)   Want to run in the meadow?

Maa !  Maa!  Want to jump on the rock?

Oink~  Oink~  Want to roll in the mud?

Woof!  Woof!  Want to chase a cat ?

Meow!   Meow!  want to take a nap?

Quank!   Quank! Want to go for a swim?

Cock-A-Doodle-Doo~  Want to catch a fly?

this finger puppet who is that animals inviting to the spider.
when it called out and will be fixed in my Story-Apron
How to fix it ? Pls see the backer

And the final our activity : Match Game
Props: 1. Long Ribbon ( like a long thread to match the animal and the working).
           2. Big animal's Flash Card.
           3. Working Flash Card as above .
The children will be making a line.  for pending the turns. 
Game: 1.The teacher said:  I am ...... ( the one side of the ribbon put on the animal.)
                      Want to ~~~~~
            2. The kid need take the other side of the ribbon and also put the correct working picture.
This game:  The learning are including
1. Each animal how does its sound.
2. Named the animal:Horse, Cow, Sheep, Goat, Pig, Dog, Cat, Duck, Rooster, Owl, Fly, Spider
3. The Verb:  Go for ~  / Eat / Run /  Jump / Roll / Chase / Take a nap / Go for / Catch
4. Name the things: Ride/Grass/Meadow/Rock/Mud/Swim/Cat/Web

