
2013年8月26日 星期一

《Bear Snores On》- La La StoryTeller

《Bear Snores On》

《Bear Snores On》

Written by Karma Wilson
Illustrations by Jane Chapman

In a cave in the woods,  in his deep, dark lair, through the long, cold winter sleeps a great brown bear.........
Some animals stop by to warm up, but even after tea is brewed and corn is popped, he just snores on!  What will Bear do when he wakes up to find his cave full of uninvited guests having a party without him?
起先是Little Mouse,小小身軀在這濕濕暗暗的洞穴格外寒冷,來個火堆燒壺茶先先暖暖身吧!火種劈劈啪啪的作響,But the bear snores on, 這時已吸引森林中的  Hare, Badger, Mole,  Gopher, A Wren, A raven 紛紛進來,每個動物在冬季裡都備著的糧食就一起來個派對分享著洞穴溫馨的時光,玉米爆開的Pip-pap, 咬堅果的聲音 CHEW- CHOMP- CRUNCH!
But the bear snores on..........。 They clutters, they tweet ,the titter, they chat they chitter. .......But the bear snores on.......
Party 正進行著熱轟轟, Hare 正想調調火堆讓火旺一點,而Little Mouse 正在加點pepper fleck倒向那一鍋燉料時.....Little Mousen Spread the pepper fleck makes the bear..........   " R AAAAA - CHOOOOOOOO! "  哇! the bear wakes up!   當熊起來,看見這些不速之客,還在牠的洞穴開Party.....他會怎樣呢? 我的好眠被吵醒,我的洞穴被您們弄得亂七八糟,牠生氣嗎!如果是你,你會有如何呢?或者有意想不到的結果呢?


