
2013年8月5日 星期一

《This Way, Ruby》- La La StoryTeller

《This Way, Ruby》

Written by : Jonathan Emmett
Illustrated by: Rebecca Harry

所以想看看這些小黃鴨想做甚麼呢?到今天我已重複借了3次且請先看看我製作的Plays Setting for my Storytelling Time.

This Duck family was nested side by the lake.,  One day, Father Duck and Mother Duck were sleeping.....
the eldest brother and sister were bigger and brave , They went out for adventure.....,.
But, Ruby is the littlest duck of this family., She always swam slowly and smaller...... So They call Ruby,  This Way, Ruby.......
Having found out which or where did they get through ?  And when the dark-gray clouds are coming and what's happened?
They lost ?  or they could find their way to go home ?
This Way, Ruby.  
Let's read the book,  And How smart and steady Ruby find the way to go home........

