
2014年7月31日 星期四

《Dog's Colorful Day》By Emma Dodd

The dog is eatting rainbow bone?
No!  He is very like to play, run and roll, 
Let's count the number and play color game ~

Kid's song: Ten Number Song(music is 一隻哈巴狗)
One, Two ,Three, Four , Five,
Six, Seven, Eight, Nine, Ten。
One, Two ,Three, Four , Five,
Six, Seven, Eight, Nine, Ten。

Story Time:
Words theme:  Spot, Black, Red, Blue, Green, Brown, Yellow, Gray, Pink, Orange, Purple.
                         One, Two, Three, Four, Five, Six, Seven,Eight, Nine, Ten.
                        Left Ear, Right Ear, Back, Coat, foot,  head.
                        Jam,  Paint, Bee, Pollen, Grass, Chcolate, Ice Cream,  Mud, Marker。
Activity: Paint my dog.

