
2015年6月22日 星期一

《Book! Book! Book!》

By: Deborah Bruss
這是去年加購的繪本之一: 拿到包裹時,被這本封面淡淡的水彩著色所吸引,起先看封面就是聯想著它好像可以與圖書館結合,在我的圖書館說故事時間介紹一定很match. 而且一開始接觸這封面,看著是一隻雞昂首闊步好像領這一群隊伍去哪兒一樣?(他們要去哪裡?為何後面的動物好像都很easy happy ? 而且這封面插畫很淡雅,每一個角色的插畫都很隨性的塗彩,沒有勾勒的線條,在這繪本的文字與圖之間沒有粗曠的線條讓人可以感覺一區一區的插圖短短的文本穿插其間就好像是漫畫的幾格幾格那種對話呢!第一次讀文本時,因為很多情緒上的狀聲詞,有比較陌生,又我有先入為主的意識,以為這是一本參觀圖書館的有情節的故事,好像很悶的感覺,所以覺得好像不容易發揮在說故事上,有點失意是自己又選錯繪本嗎?過了一些時候,還是掛念著這一本!想要在新總館開館時我的首次故事裡找一本好的繪本來詮釋故事與圖書館有關的繪本,用不服輸的心理再次拿起這本繪本<找出關鍵點,要如何引導成為有趣的繪本呢?>!我發現:【這一本是狀聲詞的繪本】:終於領悟到了,小孩們哪一個不喜歡動物呢?動物的叫聲:小孩也較熟悉,將動物的發聲狀聲詞做前導,會很容易將小孩引入故事哩,(說到狀聲詞,一般叫聲的狀聲詞我在幾年前就有稍稍下點功夫去搜尋,但是腳步聲/情緒的狀聲詞/自然現象的狀聲詞,通常是看一本學一本.而且通常有狀聲詞的繪本都是配合著有押韻的文本)原來這一本文本第一次看完時覺得好像有點難,就是中間加入情緒及腳步聲的狀聲詞)看了第二次後才體會有趣的狀聲詞,情緒的狀聲詞,腳步聲的狀聲詞,很高興抓到重點了,說故事人有很多演示的空間,還有跟小朋友很多互動的地方: 
Warm-up: (kid's song) 這一首是將這一本繪本裡有的動物角色編成一首童謠
                  I am a Horse, Neigh~Neigh~Neigh~
                  I am a Goat, Baa~Baa~Baa~
                  I am a Cow, Moo~Moo~Moo~
                  I am a Pig, Oink~Oink~Oink~
      I am a Hen, Book~Book~Book~
                  I am a Frog, Read-it~Read-it~Read-it~

Story: "Book! Book! Book!"
When the children leave the farm to go back to school, the bored barnyard animals head to the library in search of something to do. But their language ("Neigh! Neigh!" and "Moo! Moo!") is only so much noise for the kindly but confused librarian—until a determined hen flaps in and clucks "Book! Book! Book!" Soon, the gang is back on the farm happily having a story hour of their own (the cow even presents a puppet show). The plot of this debut book may be predictable, but Beeke's (The Brand New Creature) acrylic-and-watercolor paintings buoy the story. With a cheery, naïf style and dappled, Easter-basket colors, the artist makes every full-bleed spread look like a sunny mural composed by young library goers, and her vignettes keep the attempts at communication tightly focused. Even though her characterizations are deceptively simple, the resolve of the plucky fowl and glee of the newly book-equipped animals shines through. Young bibliophiles in particular will appreciate Beeke's depiction of the library as a welcoming place of fun and possibilities. Ages 2-6.

Props-將這些角色從繪本裡帶出來讓說故事,更活潑,更有趣!當Props Moveing, 可讓小朋友視覺上的刺激引導聽覺上的學習(那些很陌生的腳步聲狀聲詞的出聲時,可以互相連結什麼是甚麼動物發出來的腳步聲或誰在表達的情緒聲)

