
2016年12月19日 星期一

《Grandma's Glasses 》新北市圖的巨型繪本故事(2)

繼《 Bheema, The Sleepyhead》新北市圖的巨型繪本故事,可以選擇的是《Grandma's Glasses》, 原本以為這本較難演示,好像比較沒有辦法帶出活潑性,雖然沒有擬人角色,都是生活上的角色,當講了連續幾場都是 Bheema..... ,當然會替小讀者群抱不平,為何LaLa總是講 Bheema這個故事。於是又在家多研習幾次,其實當館方一宣布我們要服務這兩個故事時,已在網路上先搜尋整整2個工作天,但非常難搜,這是印度文學,出版社也還沒很大眾化,許多人未曾分享,太少網路資源,但沒有放棄,但是帶給我那2天的晚上頭痛入眠的。第一天我就找到Grandma's Glasses 相關的手指謠 Grandma's Glasses( Plese link in),我們夥伴也有同心合力。那 一周大家紛紛恰巧都提這一首手指謠,也在Line裡討論,但是講演故事呢? 我也還在繼續努力著。先準備好再上場吧! 只有這首手指謠,我覺得還不夠。真的花了好多時間,終於找到一個很輔合在圖書館講這個故事,而且手指謠很好聽。

These are my glasses, This is my book  (Please link in)
These are my glasses, (thumb finger and food finger closed a ring together on our eyes, like a glassess)
This is my book. (hands clap in closed...like a book) 
Put on my glasses, and open my book. (glasses on our eyes,  book open it)
and I read read read, and I look look look.
Put down my glasses, Ooop!  and close up my book。

Story:  Grandma's Glasses.  
Nani, always loss her glasses, sometimes on her bed, sometimes on bathroom, and ususally
can be found out on her head, but today, we can not find Grandma's Glasses anywhere.
Where can be ? So her grandson Richa need to be her eyes, and find out here eyes.
Let's to be a detective and find out Grandma's
So we remind grandma's what she done on today.
Therefore, we find many clues........
1) Chating with aunt with cup of tea & eat lots of Lladoo (Lladoo = ball deserts, on dinner table &  cup plate)
2) Calling to Mister Chef ( telephone)
3)  Knitting a cloth for GrandPa (wool),
4)  writing a letter  (Pen)

So this story, We are not only listen for a story,  And we are training to be a detetctive.
Find some clues and together it .  Then children have to make remind some clues,
(learn words, match with picture, improve thinking, and remember)
Finally, they are find out Grandma's Glasses.

We have the song, we have the story, we have the action by brain.
So this is different working from Bheema.....story.  That is also can be fun and bring your ability in the research activition.

